center for liberation
Creative Praxis’s Center for Liberation (CPCL) is a space dedicated to bringing together young people, educators/youth leaders and community together for the purpose of building authentic connections, developing analysis and gaining practical skills. CPCL is located in the East Falls neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We are intentionally located in a part of the city that is accessible, offers access to green spaces, and that is in close proximity to our partners and community members.
During this unprecedented time, it is imperative that the Philadelphia community, especially our young people and those that work with them, have healing-centered learning spaces where they can connect with themselves and others in deep and meaningful ways. These spaces offer opportunities for learning practical tools and strategies to address the many challenges they face individually, culturally and systemically. With an increase in gun violence, mental health crises (i.e., depression, anxiety, stress), economic strife, COVID-19, and the recurring attacks on Black and brown bodies in PA and around the world, young people, educators, and community members should have access to beautiful learning spaces for rejuvenation, healing, and growth. CPCL offers such a place and space.
CPCL honors and celebrates the long legacy of spaces like this: where people come together to heal, connect, and embody what liberation looks like for all of us.Remember: one of the main elements that made the Civil Rights Movement so successful was the intentional and consistent effort to train people. People across generations came together regularly to share knowledge and build relationships, so that when it came time to gather in the streets, everyone knew their roles and was well-prepared.

A small pile of rocks are placed on top of a wood table. A card reads "Password. I am... I am ready and available for today's adventure." The card has blue and green flowers drawn along the bottom.

A young person and an older person sit at a table. The table is covered in art supplies. They are concentrating on their arts and crafts activity.

Two adults stand while four young people are sitting. Everyone is working on projects, using various art materials that are spread across the white table.

A small pile of rocks are placed on top of a wood table. A card reads "Password. I am... I am ready and available for today's adventure." The card has blue and green flowers drawn along the bottom.
Educators/Youth Leaders: CPCL will provide high-quality professional development opportunities that address youth practitioners', educators, and caregivers many challenges and goals. Training topics include culturally relevant trauma healing, conflict, de-escalation, self-regulation, community-building, youth voice and leadership, liberation-based youth programming, and recruitment and retention.
Young People: CPCL will provide young people with a safe and youth-centered space as we cover topics like trauma/stress and how it manifests in the human body, de-escalation and self-regulation practices, youth leadership, and community organizing. The Center is also a place for young people to play, explore, establish meaningful connections, and use their wonderful creative imaginations.
Community Members: CPCL will provide CP with continued opportunity to train community members on emerging and relevant topics such as: civic engagement, restorative practices, racism, trauma healing, loss and grief, and community-building. Participants build social cohesion, self-determination, and deep connection through each training. The Center will provide the community with resources and information and be a safe healing space that actively welcomes people of all of identities and cultures to bring their full selves.

Host your next event with us at CPCL
Need space for your next meeting, dance class, workshop, or culminating event?
Let us help you host it at CPCL!
Email us at info@creativepraxis.org for more information